Throughout this article, I will be providing you with the benefits of keeping this “intangible desire to explore” alive and well - but first, let’s dive into the history of travel.
Since the beginning of time, man has undeniably had quite a love affair with exploration. Staying put is simply not in our D.N.A. - or at least it wasn’t for quite some time.
According to “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari, about 70,000 years ago, humans began spreading rapidly across the planet. 60,000 years later, we entered the agricultural revolution and humans made the switch from hunting and gathering to farming. Thus began the concept of “staying put” - having a home and building an entire life around it. And although societal norms today tell us to graduate, get married, settle down, have children, and take vacations when life gets too hard - a new age has begun that traces us back to the roots of our curious ancestors. More of us are feeling the need to escape the “vacation trap”, and explore. And while settling down is all fine and dandy for those who choose it, the benefits of travel on the human mind are nothing short of astounding.
“Romanticism tells us that in order to make the most of our human potential we must have as many different experiences as we can. We must open ourselves to a wide spectrum of emotions; we must sample various kinds of relationships; we must try different cuisines; we must learn to appreciate different styles of music.”
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Yuval Noah Harari
It has become obvious and imperative that the human race must break free from this daily routine that has been instilled in our brains from childhood, and leave behind the familiar settings to explore. We must travel to distant lands like our ancestors before us so that we too may experience new cultures, smells, tastes, sights, and bonds between strangers. And while we as a society are told to settle and put down roots, digital nomads are rising above the ashes and proving to the world that a life of slow travelling can be just as fulfilling if not significantly more.
So without further ado, let me jump right into the benefits of travel for mental health.
1. Travel Relieves Stress
“Although missing a connecting flight or losing baggage in a foreign airport is sure to boost your anxiety, travelling has been scientifically proven to lower stress levels, and rather dramatically.” - Better by Today
Travel has the ability to reset your body and mind by allowing you to gain new surroundings and experiences. Even planning your trip can result in a reduced amount of anxiety and instead boost that beloved dopamine in your brain.
Let us however take into consideration that many studies on travelling promote the idea of simply taking a vacation to reduce stress levels, and even go as far as saying that those who take at least one to two trips a year will lower the chances of having a heart attack. But is taking just two weeks out of a year enough?
We at Boundless Life promote “slow travelling” - the most responsible option of travel that essentially slows down your travel plans and allows you to stay in one place for a longer period of time. With Boundless we give families the opportunity to live abroad while also providing them with everything they need in order to make the change - accommodations, education, community, and networking opportunities! We even put you in contact with the correct legal service to get all of your affairs in order before making the trip. Talk about real stress relief!
2. Travel Boosts Creativity
“Foreign experiences increase both cognitive flexibility and depth and integrativeness of thought, and the ability to make deep connections between disparate forms.” - Adam Galinsky
Adam is a professor at Columbia Business School who has authored a number of studies that investigate the concrete links between creativity and international travel. He goes on to explain that a person who lives abroad but does not engage with local culture is less likely to receive the creative boost than one who travels and does engage receives. In other words, going to Portugal for a week during spring break will not have the same creative effect as actually living with a local Portuguese community.
If you are interested in boosting your creativity and exploring a new location, be sure to check out our destination packages so that you and your family can actually live like locals! We have carefully designed 1-month, 3-month, and 12-month programs to get you inspired through like-minded communities, gorgeous locations, and exciting projects for your kids. Contact us for more information.
“Creativity is related to neuroplasticity, or how the brain is wired. Neural pathways are influenced by environment and habit, meaning they’re also sensitive to change: New sounds, smells, language, tastes, sensations, and sights spark different synapses in the brain and may have the potential to revitalize the mind.”
The Atlantic
There is an abundance of noted writers, designers, artists, and even entrepreneurs who ended up finally finishing that book, creating that fashion line, producing a gallery of artwork, and even launching that business while living abroad, and credit the inspiring ambiance of their new surroundings and engaging with various authentic cultures to the completion of their endeavors!
3. Travel Strengthens Your Sense of Self
First off, let us define what your “sense of self” is.
“Your sense of self refers to your perception of the collection of characteristics that define you. Personality traits, abilities, likes and dislikes, your belief system or moral code, and the things that motivate you — these all contribute to self-image or your unique identity as a person.” - Healthline
Now, how does travelling strengthen your perception of self?
Psychological research today shows that when one has the ability to get out of their comfort zone, it actually helps one build a stronger sense of self. The beliefs and values that we accumulate over time are actually tied to the richness of our cultural experiences. Therefore, those who engage with people from different backgrounds and explore various terrains will develop an abundance of values that include love for others and consequently love for one’s self.
Travelling even goes as far as increasing one’s generalized trust and faith in humanity which as a result develops a sense of connection with one’s self and the world.
4. Travel is Good for Your Physical Health
It’s no secret that physical activity is known to improve your mental health. Exercise improves your overall mood, self-esteem, and cognitive function while alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal. However, on vacations one is more likely to relax, over-eat, consume alcohol and substances, and generally just take it easy whereas when living abroad you are more likely to create a healthy routine. Slow travelling to a new country is guaranteed to rack up the number of steps you take in a day, and will also present opportunities for outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, surfing, and more. Living abroad will also eliminate your chances of indulging in a “vacation diet”, and instead will provide you with the chance to try different cuisines, buy local, fresh ingredients, participate in cooking classes, and essentially adapt to a nutritional lifestyle.
Travel allows you the opportunity to be more active by taking the time to visit local attractions, participate in fun activities and just explore in general. We at Boundless Life provide our families with weekly activities and excursions that simply do wonders for the mind, body, and soul. And while you may not even notice it, you’ll be working your muscles more frequently because of the excitement involved in these activities and learning about your new destination!
To summarize, the link between travel and physical activity has been proven through various studies, and you know what they say - healthy life, healthy body, healthy mind!
5. Travel Makes You Happy
When was the last time you heard about someone with upcoming travel plans saying they are not excited? Although yes, there is often some anxiety linked with catching a flight or boarding a ship - I’d like to think they’re more like butterflies in the stomach.
Travelling or simply talking about your upcoming plans can cause excitement and anticipation. Discussing potential destinations, upcoming attractions, decadent food options, Instagram post opportunities and more are guaranteed to result in positive feelings! It may even keep your mind off of daily stresses at work or home.
A study conducted by Cornell University resulted in the following: “We argue that waiting for experiences tends to be more positive than waiting for possessions. Four studies demonstrate that people derive more happiness from the anticipation of experiential purchases and that waiting for an experience tends to be more pleasurable and exciting than waiting to receive a material good.”
And while simply talking about upcoming plans will put a smile on your face, imagine once you actually land at your destination! Any anxiety from getting from point A to point B diminishes, and you’re finally in paradise!
So what are you waiting for?
By taking the leap to travel (and we would definitely encourage you to slow travel) consider Boundless Life, for not only are you likely to increase your own mental health, but you can bring your entire family along. There is no need to wait for spring break to take your kids, as we provide a full education program that is built around nurturing those little minds into strong, bold, resilient, and healthy human beings. And if the lack of social interaction through traditional travelling is something that worries you, we also provide a full support system through our Boundless Community to give you the social interactions that we as humans need!
The benefits of travel go far beyond adding stamps to your passport. It can encourage growth of character, fortify your mental health, and punctuate the story of your Boundless Life.