We think our 2024 Trailblazer Programme will offer something really special to 13 and 14-year-olds. A unique opportunity to learn and bond through the unique lens of travel across - 3 countries over 9 months. As such, we needed a REALLY special educator to lead our trailblazers. Luckily, we struck gold! Meet Alexa Hart…
A little bit about Alexa
Alexa brings a treasure trove of experience to the role of Trailblazer Programme Lead and Learning Coach:
💖 10th Grade Dean at The Nueva School, a cutting-edge independent institution recognized as one of the top private schools in California.
💖 Alexa is a curriculum design expert
💖 She has a Masters in Educational Design
💖 Alexa has successfully led Global Citizen International Trips for Nueva
💖 She was voted ‘Teacher of the Year’ among her high school students. I can’t think of a better endorsement!
Let’s hear from Alexa herself!
Alexa! A huge warm welcome to the Boundless Crew! What made you want to join us to lead the Trailblazer Programme?
Alexa: I am thrilled and honoured to lead the Trailblazer Programme. A dear friend and former colleague was a cohort participant in Sintra last summer and raved about Boundless. When I saw the posting to serve as an academic leader for such an impressive collaboration, I jumped at it! I am excited by the dynamic nature of the program as well as the challenge to continue to support teenagers as they embrace and embark on their global citizenry.
What - and perhaps ‘where’ - are you most looking forward to?
Alexa: I am most excited about being in the classroom in Bali with the intrepid Trailblazers! I am excited about creating meaningful projects for each location and the adventure therein. Selfishly, I am excited about surfing in Bali!
What would you say is the biggest benefit of travel to academic and social development in young teens?
Alexa: How we view ourselves and the world shifts when we travel. The benefits are myriad: seeing yourself as a global citizen, feeling empathy towards self and others, and seeing the possibilities within global problems are all about resilience and trust.
If you think your teenager would make a great Trailblazer who would love to join Alexa, join us for our special webinar! October 25th 2023 - 11 am EST.