Maintaining relationships when slow travelling is so important. It helps us feel grounded against an ever-changing backdrop. At Boundless Life, one of the most meaningful relationships that can form is between our educators and students - our ‘Explorers’. It’s tough to pick out just one example, but Zak and Mahaan have bonded across ALL of our locations for more than 2 years! They say “Double the trouble, double the fun”. Let's find out if it’s true…
But first, a bit about them.
Zak is one of our longest-serving educators having joined Boundless Education for our first-ever cohort back in February 2022! He’s also collecting his ‘Boundless location badges’ and is the only educator to have taught at ALL of our locations so far. He is our ‘Tween Leader’ extraordinaire and teaches our Upper Foundation Explorers aged 10-12.
You can learn more about Zak here.
Mahaan, like Zak, is one of our most intrepid Explorers having lived and learned in Sintra, Syros, Tuscany and, now, Bali! He’s a bold and brave leader and big brother to all. It’s truly a privilege to see him spread his joy and positive outlook wherever he goes.
You can learn more about Mahaan here.
Zak! Mahaan! We can’t keep you two apart can we?! Let’s rewind for a second. What’s your earliest memory of each other?
Zak: My earliest memory of Mahaan has to be one of the first English lessons I ever taught for Boundless. Mahaan produced an incredible poem related to some of the conflicts that are happening around the world and he really captured the emotion within his writing and I was blown away!
Mahaan: My earliest memory of Zak was him joining us playing soccer at recess and always participating in the fun activities with all the Explorers.
What would you say is the biggest benefit of the epic learning journey you’ve been on together?
Zak: The biggest benefit of the epic learning journey Maahan and I have been on together is that I know exactly what Mahaan’s strengths and areas of development are. This is key and so helpful when planning differentiated lesson plans.
Mahaan: One of the biggest benefits of having Zak as a teacher on this epic journey is that I know what his expectations for learning are and he always makes it super fun to learn.
It’s not always easy navigating so much change. How has your relationship helped you navigate challenges encountered along the way?
Zak: Having a positive relationship with Mahaan from a previous Boundless Life location - or any other Upper Foundation Explorer for that matter - really helps with navigating change. As you already know that individual and the trust is there, it helps so much with the adaptation period into the new environment.
Mahaan: Having a positive relationship with Zak has helped dealing with change when going to all these different countries around the world. He makes me feel at home!
If you had to pick just one stand-out moment from all those that you have experienced together, what would it be and why?
Zak: The standout moment for me out of the all amazing memories Mahaan and I have shared together is one of the most recent field trips. Our field trip to Mepantigan, Bali really was so inspiring and it made me reflect on how far we have come since starting out in Sintra two years ago.
Mahaan: If I had to pick one stand-out moment with Zak after all our experiences with Boundless it would be one of our field trips in Tuscany because he paid for our snacks with his own money, from the kindness of his heart.
How has the other changed since you first met? And what hasn’t changed at all?
Zak on Mahaan: Mahaan has matured so much in the two years that I have had the pleasure of knowing him and his love for reading has definitely blossomed. One that hasn’t changed is Maahan’s love and passion for soccer/football - and we’re always having a kick-around at recess.
Mahaan on Zak: One thing that has changed since we first met is that the lessons get more and more fun and I am learning more. One that hasn’t changed is his shorts, Zak always wears shorts!
Big thanks to Zak and Mahaan for taking the time to reflect on their time together. May it long continue!
If you are keen to find out exactly how MUCH trouble these two can get into keep your eye on our social channels for a very unique quiz! 😜