Our Boundless Education programme is at the heart of Boundless Life. We want to empower children to be the change they want to see in our world. Our Crew is constantly inspired and moved by our young Explorers. Their compassion, drive, innovation and kindness truly are boundless and a big part of our 'why?'.
In the first of our series, we'd love you to meet Mahaan! Our football-loving, bold and brave leader, and big brother to all, across multiple Boundless locations. We quizzed him on his Boundless Experience so far.

Q: You've now spent time at the Boundless Education Centre in Portugal, Greece and Italy. How easy is it to adapt to learning in a new country each time?
A: “The way the staff welcomes all the new kids and parents makes it feel like we’ve known each other for a long time and we’re able to make friends very quickly.
Honestly, for me, learning in a new country is not that difficult. All the Explorers support and inspire each other. It helps that all the Education Centres look much the same on the inside too - especially for the younger children.”
Q: What is your favourite part of Boundless Education?
“My favourite part of Boundless Education is the way our educators teach us new concepts in a fun way rather than just sitting at a desk. They are creative and make learning fun! I remember so much more this way.
This cohort, our Quest is about 'Zooming into Zero Waste'. Some kids at the Education Centre love skateboarding for instance, so our educator arranged a field trip so we could learn how to make our own skateboard out of recyclable materials. How cool is that?!”

Q: What is the biggest challenge you have overcome?
“The biggest challenge I’ve had to overcome is trying to understand the menu in each country we’ve lived in! When you’re hungry, it’s hard to take the time to translate! Luckily, it's all delicious!”
Q: How does Boundless Education compare to other learning experiences you've had?
“Boundless Education teaches me new things through project-based learning. When I learn here at Boundless, they let me take my time until I understand the problem fully before moving on to the next thing.
In traditional schools, you have to move on with the class even if you haven’t mastered the material.”

Q: What are you most looking forward to when you head off to Boundless Bali?
“I’ve seen photos of the Education Centre and it looks really nice! I’m most excited about spending time there and being on a completely new continent! The super soccer star is going to Asia people!” ❤️😉