Benefits of Yoga for the Digital Nomad

Bindiya Sharda
June 20, 2023
10 min read



The life of a digital nomad is a life where change is evident and one is constantly on-the-go. And while the traveller’s lifestyle is one that causes envy, these location-independent workers too can feel the burn-out and crave balance.

Their best option? Yoga.

Not only can yoga be traced back to 5,000+ years ago deeming it ancient, but it is one of the most effective yet simplest methods of achieving a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It offers stress relief, relaxation, glowing skin, flexibility, physical strength, and has even proven miracles for people suffering from various disorders and health issues - both physically and mentally.

For the ever-changing life of the modern digital nomad, here are the top benefits of yoga.

1. It Gives You a Fitness Routine

For travellers - slow travellers included - it’s uncommon to purchase a gym membership due to the fact that they don’t stay in one place for too long. Many struggle to find a simple practice that keeps up the physical strength that is needed to constantly be on the move.

By integrating yoga into your daily routine, you are able to maintain a fitness schedule, as many yoga poses can be done pretty much anywhere, whether it’s your bedroom, roadside, at a park, or even on the beach!

Yoga is inexpensive, and can be done by simply watching great routines on Youtube, or by downloading an app! Apps such as Asana Rebel have been considered top tier for those who are practicing at home. But mind you, with Boundless Life - we have weekly practices with a professional yoga instructor, and this way, you’re not alone! There are fewer things better than being surrounding by likeminded individuals, and breathing life into our bodies on a beautiful rooftop terrace under the sun.



2. Flexibility, Strength, and Posture

Transportation requires a certain amount of sacrifice of human flexibility, as it is common to be sitting in a certain position for long periods of time. For avid travellers, this can cause many health issues such as upper and lower back pain, neck pain, knee joint pain, poor posture etc. 

Within just a few days of practicing yoga, one can relieve their body from these types of issues through the intense stretching of these muscles. There are various yoga poses (if not all), that help you maintain correct physical posture and keep those unwanted muscle spasms away. Yoga is a full body workout, that stretches every muscle in your body and consequently relieves tension.

The more strong and flexible you are, the more you can enjoy travelling. And for travellers that will be participating in various activities and excursions, yoga strengthens your body enough to reach any place or any height with ease - making the most of those hikes and activities!

A mix between the very popular “Pranayam” and different meditation techniques promises to impact those who travel by strengthening their heart, lungs, and internal organs, keeping them strong in mind, body, and soul.

3. It Helps You Make Better Food Choices

It can be challenging to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet while travelling. No matter how hard you stop yourself from dining out - there is usually an abundance of restaurants and cafes that serve authentic and delicious food from that particular destination. Can we say carbohydrates any louder? There are so many delectable distractions while travelling that it may seem impossible to maintain a well-balanced diet, but regular yoga practice can help one enjoy the foods they want to eat without feeling the guilt!

Yoga involves a lot of physical movement and helps to improve your digestion process. Various yoga postures help create muscle tone and burn fat and calories which results in a healthy amount of weight loss. Regular yoga gives you the permit to eat whatever you like, but also has the effect of motivating you to eat more wholesome foods and nutritious meals! Yoga allows us to look inwards and essentially listen to our bodies. It is highly unlikely that you’ll want to purchase greasy take-out food after a wonderful and transformative yoga session.

4.  It Provides Stress Relief and Happiness!

Yoga has the tendency to develop positive energy and vibes around you as well as within you, even when one is having the most stressful day. The more it is practiced, the more benefits you reap.

Travel can be quite stressful, and for the digital nomad who is required to work while travelling, things can get rough from time to time causing anxiety and stress. Yoga is one of the best methods to stay calm, healthy, focused, and present in every moment. Practices that include breathing techniques, intricate positions, and mindful moments do wonders for the brain. It also boosts blood circulation, making your muscles feel relaxed and refreshed.

Regular yoga practice has a significant positive impact on your daily routine and lifestyle. A good yoga session can completely change your overall perspective towards your day, and the more it is practiced, the more this outward look on life will stay.



All you need is a good 30 minutes from your day to practice yoga and take the step towards leading a healthier lifestyle. Yoga delivers several physical and mental benefits - not just for digital nomads and avid travellers, but everyone!



Boundless Life holds yoga sessions on a weekly basis and we even get the kids involved in the beneficial practice through Boundless Education. Getting children into the habit of breathing energy into all of their muscles, working on their strength and flexibility, and taking time out of their day to truly be present is extremely important if not essential!

Yoga can reduce your child’s anxiety and stress levels and promote a sense of calmness. If they continue yoga as they grow older, your children will continue to reap the benefits, including improved:

  • Memory
  • Concentration
  • Body Awareness
  • Self-esteem
  • Strength
  • Academic performance
  • And more!

While new adventures and travel is definitely fun and completely worth it, sometimes you need to hit the pause button and find space and time for some quiet reflection. Yoga teaches us to stay present, find steadiness, and with the right Guru, appreciate life! Gratitude is a big part of yoga, as we are thankful for our bodies, and for the digital nomad, the opportunity to be exactly where they are in the world!

While being on the road and travel can keep you pretty busy, slow travelling with Boundless Life allows you to devote some time on a regular basis to practice this ancient discipline that does wonders for the mind, body, and soul. Incorporate yoga into your daily routine and reap the benefits, shift your perspective, and appreciate life!

At Boundless Life, we create thoughtfully designed communities in beautiful destinations worldwide. Each community includes private homes, co-working spaces, and an experiential learning-based education system, providing like-minded families with opportunities to connect, work, explore, and immerse themselves in local cultures.

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