A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad (when you have kids)

Kat Ridgway-Taylor
June 20, 2023
10 min read

Want to slow-travel the world whilst working from anywhere you choose? You’ll be amongst an ever increasing number of people who are actively seeking out this lifestyle. It’s estimated that 35 million people worldwide now identify as a ‘Digital Nomad’ - and 26% of these have kids under the age of 18. But what do you do if you have never worked remotely before? AND you have kids? This guide is for you! Let’s start at the very beginning…



What is a Digital Nomad?

It’s a common misconception that “Digital Nomad” is a job title in itself when, in fact, it’s an umbrella term for anyone whose work is location independent and allows them to travel whilst undertaking that work. 

Their jobs are typically fully remote (although some may need to restrict their travels to specific time zones or visit their company HQ from time to time) and usually just need a laptop, phone and decent internet connection. 

What type of work can I do?

These are the industries that more commonly support remote working:

Content Creation
| If you have a talent for storytelling then this might be a great area to explore. This doesn’t necessarily mean producing written copy or Blogging. There is big demand for visual storytellers too - who use photos and videos to promote products and services via social media in particular. 

For help monetising a Blogging hobby check out Darren Rowse (aka ProBlogger) for some great tips!  

Information Technology
| Another huge area of opportunity is within IT. If you are a software or web developer, app designer, programmer etc these roles are less often constrained to a particular physical location. 

Business Support
| Virtual Assistants are growing in number. If you have worked as a Personal Assistant, Executive Assistant or any administrative role this may be an area to explore. Alternatively, providing virtual coaching and training to businesses is another growth area. 

Online Marketing
| Affiliate marketing, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media management can all be done remotely as a broadly executed online. 

| Teaching English as Foreign Language online is one way to share your skills whilst travelling. If this appeals to you, but you don’t have the required qualifications, these can be obtained through accredited courses. 

With the growth in the number of ‘virtual schools’ there is increasing demand for quality teaching materials, consultation services or even virtual delivery of education sessions to children.

Be Your Own Boss
| If you have something you are passionate about there is no better time to become the master of your own destiny with your own venture. 

It is important to highlight that this remote work is a growing trend and more and more sectors will undoubtedly become compatible over time. For example, telehealth is booming. 


Where to Find Remote Work

If you are a freelancer, Upwork and Fiverr are great places to showcase your talents. 

Wannabe remote employees should check out LinkedIn plus these websites that specialise in remote work opportunities:

Bonus Boundless Tip! 

Boundless Life is a fast growing company and we are always on the lookout for exceptionally talented people who share our passion for combining family slow-travel and forward-thinking education. Keep an eye on our Careers page and LinkedIn page for exciting opportunities! 

Got the job? Amazing. Now where can you get your best work done? 

Here we have two considerations:

  • Where in the world?
  • Where day to day?

The world really is your oyster now. Time-zone constraints notwithstanding the choice is vast. Here are some pointers to help you choose your first stop:

  • How safe is the place you are travelling to? This may be particularly pertinent for Digital Nomad families. Travel Safe - Abroad has a handy traffic light system which compares relative safety of different locations. It also goes into detail about specific areas of concern in terms of crime and terrorism risk.
  • Cost of living. “Geoarbitrage” is the practice of working from a country where the cost of living is lower than your own in order to maximise your remote income. Numbeo has a great resource that allows you to compare the typical cost of living of your home country and your short-listed destinations. 
  • How long can you stay? Different countries have different time limits on the amount of time you can spend there using a tourist visa. More and more countries now offer Digital Nomad Visas as an alternative, but it’s important to pay attention to any stipulations that these come with. Countries have adopted these visas to encourage remote workers to spend their time - and money - within that country. As such, some specify that you need to spend a minimum amount of time there. This may or may not have implications from a tax perspective. (Look out for a future Blog on the subject of tax). 

In terms of where you work day-to-day, the only prerequisite is a stable internet connection with a decent speed. By the way, don’t be fooled by all the Instagram pics of folk lounging in full sun on the beach. Unless you want to become blinded by glare and remove sand from your keyboard this image just isn’t realistic 😉.

It’s fair to say that remote work can be lonely. This is where a great Coworking Space is worth its weight in gold. Not only will you have company, but a great opportunity to collaborate, bounce ideas around and get advice on challenges. 

Bonus Boundless Tip!

All our Boundless Life locations have inspiring Coworking Hubs set in beautiful buildings. Access to these is available 24/7 and is included within all our packages. 



Community is Key

English Novelist, Amma Sewell, once said: “It is good people who make good places.” It’s true right? You could be somewhere relatively unremarkable with the right group of people who elevate the whole experience and invoke a sense of connection that results in the creation of fond, lasting memories.

When slow-travelling as a Digital Nomad, you can have the best of both worlds - with remarkable locations and a great community built-in, with whom you are sure to create many lasting memories. 

It really does take a village sometimes.

When you are travelling with children it is especially valuable to have a community around you. These communities can take many forms - from mobile worldschooling pop-ups right through to complete solutions designed with families in mind. Solutions like Boundless Life. 

Boundless Life is centred around well-being, connection and - at its heart - community. Their approach has been carefully curated with the established benefits of community-living in mind.  Studies conducted around the globe attribute active participation in community life as a key contributing factor towards happiness and longevity.

This all sounds great, but what are my kids doing whilst we’re working? 

This is where there are probably misconceptions about the viability of this lifestyle for folk with children. However, it can be done - and there are thousands of families out there that are living proof of this. 

Of course, no two families are the same. Some might have one parent who is working whilst the other takes the lead with worldschooling. Others ‘tag-in’ with each other and share this responsibility - perhaps working in opposite time-zones. 

But what if you are solo-parenting and need to work full-time? Or do both parents need (or want) to pursue their careers? What if you want your children to receive a great education and have the benefit of being with friends their age during the day? 

Just over a year ago this would have left families stumped. Now, however, Boundless Life and Boundless Education exists! Inspired by the world-renowned Finnish system, Boundless Education was developed by taking the finest ingredients from the world's best educational practices to build one coherent system to follow your child anywhere. Boundless Education is a transformational learning system that lays the foundation for innovation, maximises experiential learning, and creates meaningful connections to ourselves, our communities and the world.



How can Boundless Life help you have a plan instead of a dream? 

Boundless Life strives to provide a strong foundation for the growth and development of a thriving and evolving community of Boundless families: 

LIVE |  Fully-equipped homes will provide your family with comfort and privacy whilst being located to offer you the benefit of connecting with your Boundless neighbours and friends.  

LEARN | Your children will benefit from the truly immersive, forward-thinking learning experience offered by Boundless Education.  

WORK | The coworking Hubs offer the perfect environment to motivate and inspire you.  Share knowledge and ideas (and a coffee) with other professionals in spaces designed to make your work-life as stress-free as possible. 

PLAY |  Community programming is devised to allow you to get the absolute best out of each of our Boundless locations.  Discover the local culture, connect with nature, enjoy the local food and participate in sports and wellness sessions with your family and the Boundless Community.

Want to take the first steps towards being a Digital Nomad Family? Give us a call! 

At Boundless Life, we create thoughtfully designed communities in beautiful destinations worldwide. Each community includes private homes, co-working spaces, and an experiential learning-based education system, providing like-minded families with opportunities to connect, work, explore, and immerse themselves in local cultures.

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