Earth Day… an annual reminder, a call to action, an impactful incentive, and the one day out of the 365 where the world is advised NOT to look the other way.
As today marks this significant day, I feel it is only fitting that we at Boundless Life share our resources and help instill the responsibility of living sustainably into our community. In this article, I will outline a brief history of Earth Day, the impact of our current climate, the sustainable efforts we have in place at Boundless Life, and what you can do on a daily basis to be a part of the change.

What started in the year 1970 on April 22nd was a product of the environmental movement of the decade. Within previous years, society began consuming vast amounts of leaded gas to sustain their consumptive automobiles, and various industries were belching out smoke with little fear of any repercussions. They instead accepted their work as the scent of prosperity. It seemed as though our world remained oblivious to the environmental concern for human health and our beloved planet - but not everyone was so blind.
Monumental incidents such as the massive oil spill of Santa Barbara, California, and the publication of the New York Times bestseller “Silent Spring” (which raised public awareness for the environment and the link between pollution and public health), began to cause quite a stir.

It was the United States senator from Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson, that began to organise national demonstrations and rallies across the country. By the end of the year, the Environmental Protection Agency was created and thus Earth Day came into fruition. By 1990, Earth Day became globally celebrated by more than 140 countries.
Current Climate
I remember Earth Day in my early years as a fun day in class to plant trees, create green arts and crafts with safety scissors and school glue, and of course participate in that silent hour with the lights off to conserve energy only to laugh and giggle with my friends. Today, however, this day creates a conversation consisting of much darker subject matter.
Due to climate change, we have had a massive rush of natural disasters (more like unnatural I’d say) including floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, wildfires, droughts, melting glaciers, ocean acidification, and simply bizarre weather patterns. Other current environmental issues include pollution, improper waste disposal, soil degradation, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, ozone layer depletion, and more. The result of these alarming events is the risk to human health, the death of beloved animal species, and of course the overall destruction of our planet.
Scared yet?
Earth is clearly on the brink of an environmental crisis and is essentially in a state of planetary emergency. Unless we as a society address these issues urgently and head-on, the consequences will only be more severe and disastrous.

“The fact is that no species has ever had such wholesale control over everything on earth, living or dead, as we now have. That lays upon us, whether we like it or not, an awesome responsibility. In our hands now lies not only our own future but that of all other living creatures with whom we share the earth.”
- David Attenborough
Honest Efforts
Similar to the social and cultural environment of the 1970s, we are seeing a rise in a frustrated younger generation of individuals fighting for change - only instead of taking to the streets with signs and pitchforks - social media, Hollywood movies, and documentaries are bringing these significant conversations into the light.
Some of the most noteworthy activist names today are Jane Goodall, Greta Thunberg, Sir David Attenborough, Joaquin Phoenix, Leonardo DiCaprio, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jane Fonda, David Suzuki, and more! But you and I can also make a difference without the celebrity status, keep reading to see how.

Boundless Life Efforts
We at Boundless Life do our best to promote eco-friendly initiatives through everything that we do.
Slow Travel
One of the most noteworthy efforts would be that we promote the most sustainable option of travel - slow traveling. Slow traveling essentially slows down your travel plans and allows you to stay in one place for a longer period of time. Fortunately, it goes hand in hand with sustainability and has been named the most responsible way to travel. With fewer flights and commute rides involved, the obvious benefit is that it reduces your carbon footprint. By sticking to exploring one destination instead of flying around to multiple destinations in a short period of time, you also get to live like a local and contribute to the local economy. Unlike regular tourism which has been proven to be detrimental to our planet (click here to read all about the negative impacts of tourism), slow traveling means that you actually live with the local community and therefore act less like an unconscious consumer AKA tourist and more like a friendly neighbor!
Renovated Residences
Instead of tearing down buildings and creating entirely new communities, we take pride in finding hidden gems and abandoned historic sites and simply renovate these structures to create homes for our families. While the inside may look different than before, we make sure to keep the authenticity of the architecture - quirks and all.
Boundless Education
Sustainability is a huge part of our classroom conversations. Our educators give our students purpose to learning by using the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals as learning themes. These goals are environmental, social, and economic topics and issues that are used in an age-appropriate manner. Various activities around climate change, pollution, world hunger, and more are integrated into our school system (a far cry from my silly arts and crafts), and as a result, our students gain compassion and empathy for the environment and genuinely want to be a part of the change. Our Explorers spend a significant amount of time outdoors and are taught to live in harmony with nature and all of Earth’s inhabitants. Our students are also fed plant-based lunches and snacks as a part of their meal plan!
We at Boundless Life are enthusiastic about raising a generation that will ultimately have the most positive impact on humanity, and through our sustainably-driven efforts within our education program, we are confident that this change is possible.

“The climate crisis has already been solved. We already have the facts and solutions. All we have to do is wake up and change.”
- Greta Thunberg
How you can help
Contrary to popular belief when it comes to climate change - one person CAN make a difference. I personally made the switch to live more sustainably by instilling just a few daily habits into my lifestyle, and in honour of Earth Day, I am more than willing to share these tips with you!
Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
A mantra that you were most likely taught at a young age - I know I was. Follow these three R’s to conserve our natural resources, cut those showers short, turn off the lights when you’re not using them, reuse those takeout containers when possible, shop second-hand, and know what goes in each bin!

Avoid Plastic
Plastic has a major negative impact on the environment as it takes many years to decompose, it releases toxic substances into the air when burnt, and when disposed into the ocean - it fatally finds its way into the anatomy of our aquatic friends. In fact, each year around 8 million tons of plastic end up in our seas and oceans.
So bring your tote bag to the grocery store and even your own jars to stock up on pantry items, buy in bulk instead of singular packaged products, replace plastic tupperware, straws and cutlery for steel, and just try to avoid plastic packaging whenever possible!
Use your Legs
Try to reduce your carbon footprint by driving less. Enjoy the fresh air, get some exercise, and if you can afford it - buy an electric vehicle! Even taking the transit once in a while will make a difference - anything to help reduce those toxic gases depleting our ozone layer.
Eat Plant-Based
The climate impact of industrial meat is roughly equivalent to all of the driving and flying of every car, truck and plane in the world! It is also the single biggest cause of deforestation. So if switching to a plant-based diet completely is not an option, try to at least cut back on the amount of meat consumption on a weekly basis or do monthly challenges of being meat-free! Every meal counts.
Set an Example
One of the most influential things you can do for the environment is set an example for your friends, family, and even your online followers! Show others your sustainable habits, talk about your eco-friendly products, and get more people on board. Make those around you aware of the importance of these actions, and the good of the planet will increase exponentially!

Let us join together and take on the greatest challenge that humanity has ever faced. Let’s do our best on a daily basis, raise awareness, plant more trees, and save our planet.
Happy Earth Day.